Media Training

Media Training at Derwin Johnson Communications (DJC) prepares corporate and professional service firm executives and spokespeople to communicate clearly, persuasively and to stay on message. 

Our Media Trainings are as close to real interview situations as possible because former top tier journalists conduct all of our trainings. We have the experience to advise you how to conduct yourself in any interview scenario – print or broadcast – and equip you with the tools to present your messages and stories in interesting, credible, informative and enthusiastic ways. 

Special training sessions, which focus on a specific medium or on a critical issue, can be developed at your request. All of our trainings are specifically customized for your needs. Media Trainings can be scheduled in full-day or half-day sessions and longer or shorter sessions can be developed upon request.

Learning by doing is our Media Training philosophy. A typical full-day workshop consists of four mock interviews of varying formats followed by constructive critiques.  We include a segment on messaging that focuses on cutting through the clutter to develop well-defined key points of differentiation. We provide insight into the workings of the modern journalist and interview control and steering techniques to maximize staying on message even when journalists try to take you elsewhere.